Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A chordal idea that makes me happy

What links these three songs? (you only have to listen to the first 20 seconds or so of each track to see what I am talking about)

Toto - Africa

MGMT - Electric Feel

John Frusciante - Unreachable

The chord changes in these songs all give me a similar feeling that makes me very happy .... the essence is all three have a strong chord change on beat 4 of the bar that is held into the next bar, preceding the more traditional place to put the strongest chord - beat one.

In Africa and Unreachable, it hits chord I on beat 4, the strongest chord of all!
In Electric Feel, it hits chord VI, also very strong (please note electric feel is on 6/4, and the the others are 4/4)

Any other tracks that do this? Please comment!

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